Halam Parish Council

The Parish Council meets once a month, usually on the second Thursday of the month, in the Village hall at 7.30pm. Meetings are advertised on the village notice boards.
Parish Council meetings are open to the public (and press). However, the public are not allowed to speak during the meetings, but at each meeting the Chairman of the council will adjourn the meeting to allow the public to raise issues, make points, or to comment on any matters arising.
Attending Parish Council meetings is a good way to find out what is happening in Halam, for example any future planning applications, or other issues affecting the village. You also have the opportunity in the open part of the meeting to express you views or ask questions.
Alternatively, if you have a matter you wish to raise with the Parish Council, you can speak to one of the Councillors, or to write to the Clerk to the Council.
Halam's Parish Councillors are:-
Mrs. Catherine Blackburn (Chair)
Mrs. Christine Denyer (Vice-Chair)
Mr. Simon Bust
Mr. Andrew Paris
Mr. Chris Bevans
Mr. Ganesh Subramanian
Mr. Charlie Wright
Contact the Clerk to the Council:-
Mr. Patrick Rickett
Our County Councillor is:
Bruce Laughton (Conservative)
Our District Councillors are:
Councillor Peter Harris (Liberal Democrat)
Councillor Penny Rainbow (Conservative)
Councillor Karen Roberts (Liberal Democrat)
Useful Links
Newark & Sherwood District Council